Ballet classes introduce you to a unique vocabulary rooted in French, the traditional language of ballet. Understanding these terms is essential for following instructions and improving your technique. One of the first words you’ll encounter is plié, meaning “to bend.” This refers to the bending of the knees, a fundamental movement in ballet that helps build strength and flexibility.
Another key term is tendu, which means “to stretch.” In a tendu, the dancer extends one leg straight out from the body, keeping the toes pointed, usually along the floor. Relevé is another common term, meaning “to rise.” This movement involves lifting onto the balls of the feet or tips of the toes, which is essential for developing balance and grace.
As you progress in ballet classes, you’ll encounter more complex terms like pirouette, a turn on one leg, and grand jeté, a large leap through the air. Familiarizing yourself with these terms not only helps you follow along in class but also deepens your understanding of the art form. By mastering this basic vocabulary, you’ll be well on your way to expressing yourself through ballet. Now you’ll be able to go to your ballet classes with a great sense of confidence!