Are you planning to purchase a motorboat? If so, you’re joining the ranks of 12.7 million households in the United States that own some type of boat.
Whether you already own a boat, or are checking out boatyards, you’ll need boat accessories. Are you planning to cruise around the coast with friends and family? Or perhaps you have your mind set on learning how to wakeboard or wakesurf. Either way, you will no doubt have several items on your boat accessories’ wish list.
Did you purchase a used boat that needs some work? Or perhaps your existing ballast system has been damaged by mussels or another invasive species. In addition to looking for a new ballast pumping system, you may also have an eco-conscious invasive species filter on that list. In case you weren’t aware, those mussels can wreak havoc on your ballast system, motor, and hull.
If you’re planning to enjoy wakesurfing this summer, you’ll want to add surf systems for boats onto that list. You’ll also need a wakeboard boat ballast system if you’re planning to experience the excitement of this water sport.
You’ve probably realized that there’s a bit of a difference between wakesurfing and wakeboarding. While each sport provides a unique experience, the differences also lie in the size of the boards and the length of the ropes.
A wakesurfing board is usually around 5 feet long, and the rope is about 20 feet long. When wakesurfing, you’ll maneuver your board behind a motorboat at the end of that rope.
Wakeboards, however, are usually smaller. They average between 4.2 and 4.8 feet. The rope, however, is considerably longer at 52 to 78 feet. Just as with wakesurfing, you’ll be at the end of that rope when you ride the wakes on your board. Just imagine how exhilarating that will be!
You may be interested in learning a few facts about wakeboarding and wakesurfing. Did you know that in 2015 alone, there were more than 3.2 million people that enjoyed wakeboarding in the United States’ waterways?
Do you know when and where the first wakeboarding competition was held? That’s right! It was held in 1990 in Orlando, Florida.
Have you ever heard of Alfonso Corona? You have him to thank for being awarded the patent for the first American-designed wakesurf patent back in 1997.
When shopping for these and other boat accessories, it’s a good idea to make sure you purchase quality, top-of-the-line gear. Once you hit the surf, you’ll experience hours of fun.