Parks, from the border to border, are hugely important in the United States as well as far beyond it in many other developed countries as well. Parks often contain playgrounds in some area within their border with pour in place rubber, and these playgrounds are often essential to the healthy development of the brains of children. Some of these playgrounds are expansive and sprawling while other playgrounds with outdoor or indoor playground equipment will have a defined border with pour in place rubber. All are crucial, however, no matter the size or the number of pieces of equipment that they contain within border. After all, play is one of the best ways to promote healthy and full brain development in young children, as this is how young brains explore new things and actually learn the best.
Unfortunately, frequent active play is becoming less and less common, with more than half of all parents (two thirds, to be more exact) in the United States alone feeling some anxiety about how much time their children spend using electronic devices like tablets, phones, and televisions. They worry that their children are too attached to these devices and do not get enough physical play. And this worry is, unfortunately, well founded. It has been found that kids actually do spend less time on outdoor parents have by as much as half. While kids today will only play outside for around four hours each and every week, the parents of these kids played outside often more than eight hours during summer months and periods of warm weather when they were children. And while the vast majority of parents (just about eighty three percent, for those looking for more precise and exact data and numbers) also agree that it is crucial for their children to learn how to deal with and use technology in this, our technologically driven world, the vast majority (ninety percent, nine parents out of every ten that were surveyed) also think that their kids should be playing outside more than playing inside and on various electronic devices to entertain them instead.
Taking a brazilian jiu jitsu can also help kids – and adults too – get the physical activity that they need for healthy growth and brain development. In fact, from brazilian jiu jitsu to tai chi, more than three and half million people participated in some way in the year of 2016 alone. And this means that more and more people are able to get the recommended amount of physical exercise. For children, the total physical exercise should reach at least one hour of physical activity each and every day. And just one tai chi or brazilian jiu jitsu (or even kickboxing) session can burn as many as five hundred calories in total, a huge number of calories that certainly cannot be discounted in any way. And martial arts such as brazilian jiu jitsu and tai chi can help to improve flexibility, strength, and even balance over the course of time that you practice them, which, as it can be assumed, have a greatly positive impact on your overall health and physical condition. The sport of brazilian jiu jitsu also helps to develop persistence and resilience in children, teaching them to push through periods of difficult and onto bigger and better things. It also often gives them the tools to protect themselves, should the need every arise, particularly in the case of practicing brazilian jiu jitsu over a long period of time, as brazilian jiu jitsu classes often emphasize self defense as an important thing to learn and an important component of your practice.
There is no doubt about it that play on playground equipment or play through the practice of martial arts such as brazilian jiu jitsu is important for children of all ages, particularly active play on playground equipment. And no matter whether that play happens on a playground with playground equipment with a defined border with pour in place rubber or in a more sprawling outdoor space or in a brazilian jiu jitsu studio, it’s just important that play, active play, gets to happen in the first place.